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2023 CCTTA Closed Championships

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by President/ on 31 Oct 2023

2023 CCTTA Closed Championships

Our Closed Championships begin Thursday 9th November.

If you have played in any of the 3 competitions in 2023 you are eligible and encouraged to participate in this event to find our Div 1, Div 2, Div 3, Ladies, Over 50’s & Doubles Champions.

Entry forms will be at Niagara Park Stadium this Thursday 2nd Nov. or you can text your intention to play with selected events to 0419 673687.

Week 1 9/11 - Pool Play for Open Singles, Division 3, Open Doubles, Division 3 Doubles

Week 2 16/11 - Pool play for Mixed Doubles, Ladies and Over 50’s

Week 3 23/11 - Pool Play for Division 2 Singles, Div 2 Doubles

Week 4 30/11 - Quarter Finals/Semi Finals and FINALS for all events.